The Pulse of SchoolCare, June 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Update & Resources

Published June 2, 2021

With more New Hampshire residents getting vaccinated, information and guidance continues to evolve. SchoolCare and Cigna remain committed to keeping you informed about COVID-19 vaccine updates and resources.

What's new?

As of May 12th, 2021, the CDC authorized the use of the Pfizer vaccine for 12-to 15-year-olds. This was done after completed safety and effectiveness studies on patients in this age group. It’s now recommended that anyone 12 years and older get a COVID-19 vaccination to help protect against the spread. This vaccine is considered preventive and is no cost to the individual. As you and your family embark on summertime fun and consider fall preparations, we understand you may have many questions about safety and getting your children vaccinated.

We encourage you to explore resources available such as:

Additionally, information will be published and updated regularly on our monthly news page at

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